I was told as a child
And again as a wife to
Sit down, shut up,
Go to the back and
Get in line
And from this you expect me to flourish?
And from this you think I should grow?
Oh my! Have you forgotten?
You will reap what it is you sow.
And you wonder
What is wrong with this generation?
And you ponder
If only I could teach them how.
Oh, you taught them how, alright.
The only question is, What now?
You neglected them.
You starved them.
You stepped out.
And then you left them.
And now they sit there
Cold, hungry, lost and alone.
You neglected us.
You starved us.
You stepped out.
And then you left us.
And now we sit here.
We are cold, hungry, lost and alone.
As you look at us
And shake your head,
Turn away
And laugh with your friends
As you take care of
A life
A church
A business
A government
All of your own
Where you yourselves are
Cold. Hungry. Lost. And alone.
What now?
What’s that word where you stop what you’re doing, ask for forgiveness and turn from the error of your ways???
Oh, yah. Repent.