
How to Stop the Demons of Negativity From Dragging You to Hell | by Riley Holland | Bionic Mind Method | Oct, 2024

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Real or imaginary, they’re whispering into your thoughts this Halloween

Photo by The New York Public Library on Unsplash

Every Halloween, I get the urge to immerse myself in the kind of spooky, paranormal tales I loved as a kid.

Back then, it was easy to have fun freaking myself out.

Now, it’s a little harder.

Most of the scary stories I hear seem obviously made up, or a little too corny to take seriously, and I can’t quite get into the mood.

But the other day, I heard a few that genuinely gave me the creeps.

They were case studies, all allegedly true, from an exorcist in the 70’s whose entire profession was casting demons out of people possessed. And while movies like The Exorcist never really captured me (too over-the-top with the visual effects to the point of feeling sort of silly), there was something about these stories that had a ring of true terror to them.

It wasn’t so much the graphic details of heads spinning around, speaking in tongues, or vomiting green bile.

It was the early stages of possession — how the demons initially entered their victims’ psyches.

Here’s how it apparently works:

You’re going about you life, everything seeming normal, unaware that one of these entities has picked you out as a target. Gradually, they start to enter your thought stream — subtly at first — “whispering” their own influence into your mental and emotional world. At first it’s so subtle that you mistake it for your own inner voice. But as time goes on, they gain more and more control over your mind, causing obsessions, paranoia, and confusion.

And by the time you realize something seriously weird is going on, it’s too late. They’ve taken possession of you.

It’s a freaky idea.

Much freakier, to me anyway, than having some stereotypical-looking demon show up and jump into your body.


Because it’s just plausible enough to seem real.

After all, who’s paying close enough attention to their own mind to notice an outside influence entering?

And who doesn’t feel possessed from time to time by powerful thoughts and emotions that seem to come out of nowhere, sometimes leading to behavior you’d never even consider if you were in your right mind?

Now, is it literally true?

I have no idea.

But even if you take it as a metaphor, it’s still pretty frightening.

After all, how many of your thoughts are “yours”?

Where are they coming from?

If you start to observe your own mind, you see that thoughts and images just arise and pass away, seemingly from out of nowhere.

And if you try to exert control, you find out just how little control you have.

That’s especially the case with powerful thoughts and emotions around things like fear, lust, or the desire for power — all classically “demonic” themes.

It’s also true of basic negativity.

You may be going about your day, feeling just fine, until some worry or memory pops into your head. Suddenly you’re feeling a little anxiety or insecurity. It starts whispering into your ear all sorts of associated thoughts, seducing you further into negativity, stirring up all kinds of disastrous scenarios in your mind. And if you don’t stop it, that momentum can drag you down into a kind of hell, where negative thinking and insecurity become your baseline state.

Not so different from demonic possession.

And you don’t have to believe in anything paranormal to see it at work.

All you have to do is watch your own thoughts for a while.

Freaky indeed.

But like with demonic possession, there is a way to stop it from happening. You can learn to get enough distance from your own thoughts and emotions so you notice when they start trying to influence you. And you can stop the process before it takes full possession.

The techniques don’t involve any kind of dramatic exorcism of negative spirits.

They’re more preventative, giving you tools to gain enough control over your inner world so you’re not so vulnerable to negative states in the first place.

Then your mind is freed up to pursue what’s important to you.

I teach some of those techniques in my free mini-course, “How to Bust Your Rut and Get Unstuck.” It’s about an hour of audio and video content to help free you from whatever negativity is possessing you at the moment.

You can learn more about it here:

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