
Content Strategy in Immersive Technology — My Startup Journey | by June Bee | Oct, 2024

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In the past half year, we’ve developed some products and prototypes, competed in contests, and even won a few. But we were told our product wasn’t quite there yet — so we went back, created more prototypes, and dug deeper into market research. Now, we finally have a product we’re close to releasing.

However, it’s still a bit different from what we originally envisioned. But today, rather than focusing on the technical details, I want to revisit the roots: the digital 3D space. I’m hoping to untangle this journey a bit and share what I’ve learned along the way. Because if there’s one lesson I’m taking with me,

it’s that success isn’t about perfection — it’s about failing in the right way.”

I usually start my pitch to the investors with this slide

But exactly is the core idea? Is it the fact that we have the solution, people love our things, or bc our CEO has the vision? or maybe none of that?

All of this is there bc that is what they need to hear to make sure we are succeeding.

I break them down into 4 categories

  • Technology: What is doable?
  • Business: the business model that generates a constant flow of money, so we survive
  • Recognition: how much media attention did you gain, are people buying this?
  • Vision/Design: And eventually what I want.

But here’s a question — out of these four, what is the most important?

I want to use my journey this semester to explore and answer that.

The journey started last semester, I developed a pixel algorithm that transforms any visual content on your screen into a 3D experience, making it appear to fly out like in 3D movies.

Required wearing anaglyph glasses to see the 3D effect

Instead of producing 3D-specific videos, this algorithm can translate any visual content on the internet into a 3D format — live and at a lower cost.

video to 3d demo 2023
point cloud to 3d demo

Since 3d world is somewhat empty, this is just a calculation method to bring everything into that language in the lightest weight

I showed the final product at many different events inside and outside of school also.

A few months later, an LED company noticed the algorithm and wanted to patent it. I worked with them for a while, but I eventually decided to go solo. They wanted to integrate it into their TVs, which didn’t align with my original vision — so I set out to pursue it independently.

I bring it to the entrepreneur events and met some friends and they became my team.

We developed a few prototypes. One is a screensaver that lets people experience 3D without wearing glasses. Users can simply place it on their phone, run our app, and it tracks their eyes as it works through polarized lenses.

We also explored making phone cases, thinking people might prefer buying those instead of VR glasses.

We needed to identify our target audience —

the people who loved our product, not just liked it.

What’s the urgent, ‘burning-hair’ problem we’re solving? And how can we ensure a steady financial flow to sustain the company? So, we embarked on a deep, long journey of market research.

We initially (naievely) thought it would be ideal for streaming services, but that approach was too broad. We needed to understand specifically what types of content people are watching — and what they’d be excited to experience in 3D.

If we use existing content, there’s copy right issues.

But if we collaborate with them we will ended up selling the whole patent to the streaming platform.

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