
What am I most excited about for the future? | by PM | Sep, 2024

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You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.

Well, who really knows the future? It’s unpredictable, unseen, and full of surprises.

But that’s what makes it thrilling, right?

How can I not be excited about everything the future holds — the endless possibilities, the unexpected turns, and even the moments that make me question everything I thought I knew?

Sure, the unknown can be scary, but it’s also where new beginnings are born.

Despite everything the past holds, I’m still excited about what’s waiting for me ahead.

Instead of dwelling on what could have been, I’ve decided to embrace what’s to come.

After all, the future is the only place left to explore, and who wouldn’t be excited about that?

Maybe it won’t all be smooth sailing — there will likely be some storms along the way.

But I’ve learned that those very challenges are what shape us. They push us to grow, adapt, and become the person we’re meant to be.

So, I’ll keep looking ahead, ready to face whatever comes, knowing that the unknown holds the key to becoming a stronger, wiser version of myself.

***I hope this helps you. If it did, clap me (a thousand times) 😂. What do you think about this poem? Leave me a comment (it will encourage me a lot).

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