
Mind as a Powerful Tool or a Source of Manipulation | by Art of Maneuver | Sep, 2024

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Your mind is a powerful tool, but you must take the time to get to know how it works.

This curiosity is important and what you’ll discover through this process is that your mind can be a great resource or it can be your greatest enemy.

Your mind is a tool and you have control over it.

Let’s dig in.

You have the power right now to observe your thoughts and emotions.

You also have the power to observe and not do anything.

If you accept this truth, then your thoughts and emotions are just whatever they are and you don’t have to get involved with them.

You can separate a bit.

You can allow them to do their thing without being so attached.

This separation is powerful and you can use it to your advantage.

As I mentioned, while in this space you can simply choose to leave things alone.

Or you could decide in this space to add some breathing exercises to help calm those emotions.

You could reframe whatever negative narrative your mind is spinning to something more positive.

Whatever you decide, awareness of this space and how to use it gives you more control over your mind.

Now, let’s consider when you are not aware of this space.

You read, see, or hear something and your mind does what it does.

It generates thoughts and emotions.

If you don’t see this, it’s likely you then just react when emotionally charged without careful thought.

This is dangerous.

You are not in control of your mind.

In fact, others may even have more control of your mind.

They can do something that generates a reaction within you and cause you or manipulate you to react as they wish.

What I’ve given you here will transform your life if you can see what I’m saying is true, accept it as true, and take action.

It is important for me to share that this works for most people, but there are real mental health realities that people have to contend with.

I accept that and encourage you or those having real issues to seek out a mental health professional.

For most people, simply recognizing that they have power over their minds will result in extraordinary transformation.

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