
The Art of Going Nowhere. Exploring the Infinite Within. | by Veer Wala | Catharsis Chronicles | Sep, 2024

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Exploring the Infinite Within.

Photo by Matt Howard on Unsplash

Whether you look up, look down, or look around does not lead to a spiritual process. It diminishes because you look within. Inside is neither north nor south nor east nor west. That which is within is dimensionless.

Only one who is honest with himself can reach the limitless. One who is honest with himself need not worry whether the path is straight or crooked, or up or down.

These features were introduced just to make you feel a little adventurous because, in reality, there is no way.

Right now, you cannot experience anything outside of yourself. Whatever happens to you happens only within you, never outside.

The whole world and everything that has ever happened to you is inside you, but you have gone out and projected your whole life outside. External projection is an illusion. If you close this projection, everything is inside.

So learn to be honest with yourself and don’t try to get anywhere. Just stay here. It will happen because there is nowhere to go. You’re on track when you don’t need to go anywhere. It is neither straight nor crooked, neither long nor short. It is within, and within has no direction.

This is something that your mind cannot understand, because when we say ‘path,’ your mind…

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