Few Days back while walking on the streets My eyes caught a view . At some opening event or something , There were 2 Dancing tube thingies . Watching them made me Strangely Happy . Just two dudes wiggling around , moving and flowing here and there . It was funny and very intriguing for me .
Most people I saw , on the way , Ones walking with me , around me or just random Passerby’s , All of them Just Walked passed by the Dancing Tube Men . Nobody even take a glimpse of Those Wiggly Tubes . While I stood to take a video , A few turned , Out of Curiosity . But As soon as they saw what I was looking at they continued to walk . I only Stood there , Staring at these Dancing Tube Men .
My interaction didn’t just end there , The Next day I saw Couple more of these dudes on McD . Doing there thing . And Yet again Completely ignored by the masses . And I stood there having a Dance battle middle of the sidewalk , completely embarrassing a friend walking with me .
The Dancing Tube Men Seems likes an Odd thing to obsessed over or even write anything about it . Then Why Am I doing it ?
These Tube Men or This whole incident brought something really interesting to my attention .
“Happiness is Easy but We are ignorant .”
In a conversation with a friend a while back , We got into a discussion about what happiness might be , and Only thing we agreed upon was that “happiness is an abstract idea” . For a long time now , Humans , as People , One of the biggest goal we had is to be Happy . Most things we do in our lives . Is just a race towards happiness . But even though we are running and climbing over for This thing / Feeling call Happiness , How many of us has figured out , What “being truly Happy” Mean ?
I have avoided writing about this topic and still writing this on very unstable ground , All I say and will say is just my opinion and not some studied outcome . This is My definition and/ or Understanding of Happiness of some level .
To get to Happiness We have to first understand Sorrow . Sorrow or Pain is something we all have experienced at one or other point in our life . Let it be Falling scraping a knee , Losing a friend when you change schools , Breaking a toy or Breaking a Heart . We Have had similar experiences around Pain and sadness . Proof to this is Poetry , When we understand and feel towards same poems , Words and stories , We connect to he person . We connect to others . Being a Social creature we tend to Look for support and connection whenever we feel this emotion .However much might the intensity of this feeling we might feel , We will always find someone who Understand what we are feeling . Sorrow is One of the Strongest emotion we have , It is so fundamental , It transits through the boundaries of species . We can feel and understand expression sorrow from other animals .
While talking about Sorrow in Context of Happiness, It is Often Compared with Light and Dark . Sorrow being the Darkness and Happiness being The Light . I find it inconvenient . Darkness is Just absence of light and Sorrow has a very Significant presence for it just be an Absence of Something . and Not only that but Sorrow and Happiness are not opposite of each are as Commonly understood . More often than not we Experience both Coexist .