Managing personal finances can be tough for millennials because they face special economic challenges. But ignoring money problems only makes things worse.
By budgeting, saving, and learning about investments early, millennials can achieve financial success and independence.
Taking control of finances not only helps reduce debt but also improves other areas of life. It gives more freedom to follow passions, builds confidence, and opens up more career opportunities.
That’s why managing money is an important part of self-care for this generation.
Millennials, often seen as a generation focused on social media and trends, are actually the largest and most diverse group in history.
They face unique financial challenges, especially in the U.S. Unlike older generations who had economic stability and a clear path to financial success — like getting a steady job, buying a home, and retiring comfortably — millennials have faced a tough job market, low wages, high living costs, and expensive housing since the 2008 recession.
With 72 percent having less than $10,000 saved for retirement and 76 percent not knowing enough about finances, many millennials feel stressed about money.