You got everything you wanna know. Is that really is?
Then why we still figuring things out even myself? can ChatGPT help us to get to know what we actually belong to, like our deepest passion?
It always makes me think after all this season of life been through lately, the freedom i always want but the society doesn’t seem to like it. eh what’s society though? who is that?
The word freedom itself is as free as you want to interpret it, no kind of standard applies to it, is all by you define.
When i was at school i feel all the responsibilities is just to get the homework, exam, thesis done on time, but its not easy though, especially when all you learn is may not all applied to real life when he adult, a kid said~. Can we just be freely doing what we want now?
I live where the edu system is kind of broken, your mind is made up to believe the ideal life is just being a police, doctor, gov employee etc. No one told us to pursue what things we valued in life, no one told us how to live, to get money, to being authentic. Not to blame the edu system but it should make us can freely think, the critical thinking.
Then it all goes to realization, acceptance that what we all dreamed of is actually not all in our control, some are in control. too much factor that made us now. Atleast for some, its a privilege that we can choose what we want to become, not forced by hard situation to fulfill basic needs, we all pray to them who suffer from that, may God bless them.
Now, it feels like starting over after every failure, every wrong decision, every wrong perception. It may come to an endless loop, but that’s the point isn’t it? We gain something from our fail and be very effective after that, even AI work that way with their model training.
We are in a different phase, that may be me or you will figure out later or soon, what will truly define our authentic self and live its best.