Recently, I read a book that suggested loving someone means accepting the parts of them you don’t like as much. If you don’t, it means you’re not truly in love. Vice versa , if your partner constantly tries to change you it may indicate they don’t love you as much as they claim.
While writing this, I’m aware of how controversial it might seem, but I believe it’s true because we often settle for people we don’t fully love simply because we’re used to them. Their absence wouldn’t feel right, but isn’t this selfish to just stay together ?
Love shouldn’t be about constantly tolerating someone just because you like them enough. I think over the years, society has lost the true meaning of love, confusing it with comfort or familiarity.
Love is acceptance, it’s seeing that person perfect in your eyes because your love makes them so, even if they might not be perfect for others.
Comfort can lead us to selfish actions, staying with someone because it makes us happy, fearing the challenge of starting new. It’s not love if you’re just like the idea of them, not the person themselves.
As a teenager and a romance film and series fanatic, my advice is to leave if you realize you’re not truly in love. Would you prefer to live like this for the rest of your life, out of familiarity, or would you rather explore and find someone who truly resonates with you?
Remember, love can be confusing because of the ideas sold to us from a young age. However, love doesn’t only come from those around you; you are your greatest source of love. Don’t fear spending time with yourself, and learning to love yourself, perhaps then you will find true love.