… and maybe I’ll wish to be back in this exact position one day; feeling elevated levels of adrenaline and dopamine for seeking new experiences, during a time when you’re still so directionally confused and so desperate to discover. so unbounded by any thing and willing to learn everything by any means. trying on possibilities for your life like you’re in some sort of fitting room.
It’s the type of confusion that comes with your early 20s, when you feel on the cusp of older and also so brand new. When partaking in delusional, hopeless romantic scenarios remains a thrill, and letting down your walls comes more easily. It’s when you can picture yourself equally as happy in all kinds of places, making homes within different groups of people and interwoven routines.
A time when you’re sorting out all of these possible versions of yourself and realizing that maybe this present version of yourself has always been just as worth celebrating too.