My dad is gone now, and I realize we never actually talked. He certainly never sat me down to impart any profound wisdom, like I saw dads do on TV… or so I thought. You see, there was something he used to say to me any time he didn’t approve of my latest actions.
“You need to take a look in the mirror, kid.”
It annoyed me to no end, but now, I get it. It was his way of telling me that I’m the one creating the results I have. If I want something different, I need to go inward and create it.
Look around you. The clutter in your home, the chaos in your schedule, the relationships you keep (but shouldn’t). These are all mirrors of your inner thoughts and desires, both conscious and unconscious. It may seem like life just kinda happens to you. One step forward, two steps back. Am I right?
But, the truth is that you already have everything you want. That’s because deeper, often hidden, wants dictate actions (or inactions).
Screwing up comes with benefits.
We all have conscious desires, the things we believe we want. Nine times out of ten, that’s some versions of money, success, or love. But, we tend to sabotage our efforts to achieve them…