Remember that time you spilled coffee all over your white shirt right before a big meeting?
Or when you accidentally liked your ex’s Instagram post from three years ago while doing some late-night scrolling?
These moments aren’t exactly life-changing, but they’re part of our human experience.
And you know what? That’s perfectly okay.
We’re constantly bombarded with success stories and motivational content.
It’s like my friend Sarah always says, “If I see one more ‘rise and grind’ post, I might scream!”
I get it, Sarah. I really do.
These messages make us feel like every single moment should be Instagram-worthy or part of some grand life lesson.
But let’s be real — sometimes life is more about the “messy middle” than the highlight reel.
I remember when I was fired from my job within six days a few years back.
Everyone kept telling me, “When one door closes, another opens!” or “Everything happens for a reason!”
Their intentions were good, but honestly? Sometimes losing a job just sucks, and that’s all there is to it.
There’s this unspoken pressure always to be growing, learning, or finding the silver lining.
It reminds me of a quote by author Glennon Doyle: “What if pain — like love — is just a place brave people visit?”
Sometimes, it’s okay to just sit with our experiences without trying to extract some profound wisdom from them.
Accepting this can be incredibly liberating.
Life isn’t always about climbing mountains or having earth-shattering epiphanies. Sometimes, it’s about:
– The way your dog looks at you when you come home from work
– That first sip of coffee in the morning (even if you spill it later!)
– Laughing until your sides hurt at an inside joke with your best friend
As my grandma used to say, “The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.”
She was onto something there.
I’ll never forget the day I moved to Bangalore for a job that fell through at the last minute.
Talk about a curveball!
I was terrified, angry, and completely lost. But you know what?
That period of uncertainty led me to discover my passion for writing and meet some of my closest friends.
Life has a funny way of working out, but not always in the way we expect.
It’s like what Allen Saunders said: “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”
Progress isn’t always about giant leaps.
Sometimes, it’s about tiny steps or even standing still for a while.
I think about one of my friends who’s been dealing with depression. Some days, just getting out of bed is a victory for him.
And that’s okay.
We don’t always need to be charging ahead. Sometimes, it’s enough to take a deep breath, look around, and appreciate where we are right now.
Life is full of fleeting moments that may not seem significant but add richness to our experience:
– The smile from a stranger on the subway
– The smell of rain on a hot summer day
– The satisfaction of finally finding the perfect avocado at the grocery store (it’s the little things, right?)
These moments may not lead to our next big breakthrough, but they’re the threads that make up the tapestry of our lives.
I’ve learned that not everything needs to be a life lesson or an Instagram post. Sometimes, life is about embracing the chaos, the ordinary, and even the disappointments.
My therapist once told me, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
At first, I rolled my eyes (sorry, Doc.), but now I get it.
It’s about finding joy in the journey, even when it’s messy or unclear.
So the next time you’re feeling pressured to turn every experience into a profound moment of growth, remember: it’s okay just to be.
Laugh at your mistakes, cry if you need to, and don’t be afraid to admit when you’re lost.
After all, isn’t that what being human is all about?
The ups, the downs, and all the beautifully ordinary moments in between.
As for me, I’m off to enjoy a cup of coffee… and maybe spill it all over myself again. That’s life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. ????☕