Mission Foundations: COMPLETED!????
Now time to answer the question that has been plaguing my mind all through this journey of a month and then some — Do I know enough now to begin?
I think so!
That felt nice to say..
Perhaps I should shed some thoughts I have of the course and the admittedly humble but by no means inconspicuous projects I’ve published to my GitHub as a consequence.
It is well worth the effort! Especially for a person who is hyper critical of any effort’s validity, this was a big deal.
I’ve learned now, that through a structured, staggered and strategic plan, any amount of effort can be undertaken. There were a gazillion exercises, a million documentation pages, repeated content across those for sure, but then I had this faith in the construct, that it is good for me, and the way each step through the documentation and every exercise I could solve was bolstering my confidence in the concepts, it was ultimately possible to get through each of them.
Admission where due, I did skip the penultimate 3–4 exercises that focussed on array & object manipulation, but those were the only ones that felt rudimentary out of the entire curriculum.
So what’s next?
I am going to scour through more community advise, whether to proceed with the advanced javascript & react pathway on Odin, or look for a more focussed react native crash course. It is solely because I am feeling good about the fundamentals that I can take on the hills right after getting my license to drive. I can always go back to the fork in the road where I am right now if the path seems too treacherous for my inexperience anyways!
11/10 to Odin for compiling truly one of the best learning pathways I have come across in my lifetime. Sets the standard so high for any community work that is so often lacking otherwise.