Fast forward, like any dreams we had, nearing the end of my time in the past, I found myself on a mountaintop, watching the sun rise over a world that seemed both foreign and familiar. I thought of my home in Bekasi, of my family and friends and the life I had left behind. But I also thought of the seeds I had planted, the ideas that would continue to grow and flourish long after I was gone.
And then, as suddenly as it had begun, my dream was over. I woke up back in my own bed, back in my own time. But something had changed. I looked at the world around me with new eyes, seeing not just what was, but what could be — that everything in even the slightest until the biggest of wonder of our daily life started with an idea then flourish when the agent is stubborn enough to not stopping it in the middle.
Since then, I’ve often found myself thinking back on my journey through time. Did it really happen, or was it just a figment of my sleeping mind? In the end, I suppose it doesn’t matter. Because whether it was real or imagined, that dream taught me something important — that each of us has the power to shape the future, in ways both big and small. Even my cats have successfully scratched me from just playing, something that he does not aware the slightest.
Things matter as long as we living.
I may not be able to travel through time, but I can still plant seeds of change — in my community, in my work, in the hearts and minds of those around me, even in my interaction to my pets.
And who knows? Maybe someday, many years from now, someone will look back and see the ripples of my actions, our actions, still spreading outward, like a pebble dropped into the vast ocean of time.