There are moments in my life when I’m deeply reminded how unstoppable the force of fate is.
Each time I blink into those moments, I’m overtaken by gratitude, love, and fear.
I used to let fear lead me, but I’ve since learned that if I want to serve myself the best outcomes, I must acknowledge my fears but let the gratitude and love lead the way.
Life is about to move at light speed, I feel it in my earthly fibers, I feel the rumble of change afoot, and this time I’m ready. I’m excited, anticipating beautiful upheaval.
I’m craving the place I know my talents and leadership belong, and I’m ready to welcome it with the most open arms. The time for movement is happening, and the challenges I sense ahead are going to meet me at the best time.
I know the plans ahead of me, I know the goodness awaiting me, I know the power in destiny, and I’m ready to achieve it.